Friday, June 24, 2011

Tensai Special Jounin Exam Cheats and Tips

If you don't want to waste your time, try the Tensai Special Jounin Cheat.If you are a fan of this blog's Facebook Fan Page, you must have read that I announced you must get ready to be a "Tensai Special Jounin". Now go and be a Special Jounin! There's no time to waste! This event is until 07/31/2011 only. Here are the primary requirements:

Update: The Hard Mode was extended until August 10, 2011. After that, there comes the Easy Mode for the Tensai Special Jounin Exam. 
  • You must be level 60 and a Jounin 
  • Your brain (optional)

Stage 1

Chapter 1: The Force of Yami. You will be given a target weapon. You must get it in 30 secs and you are given only 3 chances. If you want additional time give, you must pay 30 token to get +30 secs to spot the weapon. Spotting the weapon is easy at first. But once they all mixed up, you will go crazy finding them. There are 7 levels on this part. This is a test of observation. I can only find up to 5 weapons. 

So if you can't, use cheat. Download fiddler 2 and the swf file for stage 1 and stage 2. Run fiddler, click on "autoresponder tab", Give checklist on "Enable automatic responses" and "Permit pass through for unmatched request", Drag ".SWF File" into "AutoResponder", Enter Ninja Saga and do the Special Tensai Jounin Exam. Clear the cache and Finished! You can also use speed hack on cheat engine.

Chapter 2: Unpredicted Attack. Deliver the weapons you spotted at stage 1. As you deliver them, you will fight the undead and Genan, they are equipped with disabling skills. Don't worry! You can recruit other ninja to fight. Use cheat if you can't pass. The cheat is same as on stage 1 chapter 1.

Also read the following tips below.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ninja Saga Pet: Katsura/Katsura Skills

 Ninja Saga Pet: Katsura/Katsura Skills
 How to acquire: Invite 25 friends.Kame was replaced by Katsura.

Katsura pet

Skills | Description

 Katsura Skill Level 1: ordinary attack
 Katsura Skill level 5: Fierce rÏ…Ñ•h (attack wÑ–th thе whole body)
 Katsura Skill Level 10 : Attention (increase thе accuracy bу 3% fοr 2 turn)
 Katsura Skill level 15 : Defense (Reduce hÏ…rt expected fοr hÑ–Ñ• master bу 5% fοr 2 turns)
 Katsura Skill Level 20-: Attacck (Increase attack master 3% fοr 2 turn)
 Katsura Skill level 30: Healing (Heals 2% HP master fοr 3 turn)

Skills Reset on Ninja Saga and New Game Interface

On the recent update on Ninja Saga, a secret kinjutsu ritualist appeared. His name was not given but he was said to make you forget all your ninjutsus.

skill reset ninja saga

Reset your skills on the academy!

Go to Academy and you will notice a clickable link named" Reset Jutsu". As it say's
- All your jutsu will be removed after "Reset Jutsu" * including all token and learning ninjutsu.
- All gold and tokens involving your Kinjutsu will "not be refunded."
- All jutsu will have to be learnt progressively from Lvl 1 after reset.

 But I am not sure of these things:
  • Are secret and extreme talent included?
  • How about event reward jutsu and clan war reward jutsu?
  • Will I able to choose another set of 2 (free user) or 3 elements (emblem) after reset jutsu?

New Game Interface
  • Notice the new interface on the Academy tab, Jutsu tab and even the Missuion Success message tab.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

List of Clan War Back Items on Ninja Saga

These are the back items rewarded to the winners of Clan Wars on Ninja Saga. You might also like to see the following lists of back items.

Season 8 - Scroll of Golden Snake

Effect: Increase all attack damage by 4%, and Decrease damage taken by 4%.
Way to Acquire: Be a Zheninja clan member during Season 8 of clan wars.

scroll of golden snake

Season 9 - Akazonae Gunbai

Effect: Increase critical rate and accuracy by 4%.
Way to Acquire: Be a Zheninja clan member during Season 9 of clan wars.

akazone gunbai

Season 10 - Kikyo Umbrella

Effect: 6% chance to convert damage taken into health.
Way to Acquire: Be member of Emblem Elite during Season 10 of clan wars.

 kikyo umbrella

Season 11 - Tensho Compass

Effect: Increase attack damage by 4% and recover HP by 1% every turn
Way to Acquire: This is a back item reward for the champion of the Season XI clan war.

tensho compass

Season 12 - Blood Evil Gourd

Effect: Increase Maximum HP by 5%.
Way to acquire: Be member of Zheninjas during Season 12 of clan wars.

bood evil gourd

Season 13 - Kishu Twin Blades

Effect: Increase accuracy by 8%.
Way to Acquire: Be a member of the winning clan during the Season 13 Clan Wars in Ninja Saga

kishu twin blades

Season 14 -  Yabusa Knife

Effect:  4% increase damage and ignore dodge of opponent by 4%.
Way to Acquire: Be a member of the winning clan during the Season 14 Clan Wars in Ninja Saga

yabusa knife

Season 15 - Seitenken

Effect: Recover CP after HP Reduction (20% of HP reduction)
Way to Acquire: Be member of Elite Latina, Filipino Clan, or Emblem Elite during S15 of Clan Wars.


Season 16 - King Kong Ring (Dharmacakra) 

Effect: Recover Hp by 1% and reduces damage received by 4%
Way to Acquire: 

kinkong ring

Back Item: Paper Envoy of God

Effect: Increases attack damage and reduces damage receive by 4%
Paper Envoy of God

Ninja Saga Clan War Season 14 Rewards and Winners

Below are the winners of the Season 14 Clan War on Ninja Saga and the important rewards like back item, weapon and kinjutsu.

Champion: Elite Latina
Kinjutsu: Meridian Breakthrough
Weapon: Hidden Katana Akashi
Back Item: Yabusa Knife
Customized Clan Clothing
Magatama Set
150 Tokens

First Runner Up: Filipino Clan
Weapon: Hidden Katana Akashi
Back Item: Yabusa Knife
Customized Clan Clothing
Magatama Set
150 Tokens

2nd Runner Up: One Piece
Customized Clan Clothing
Back Item: Yabusa Knife
Magatama Set
150 Tokens

Back Item Yabusa Knife
Effect:  4% increase damage and ignore dodge of opponent by 4%.

Hidden Katana Akashi (see picture above)
Effect:  10% chance of using jutsu without CP.

Kinjutsu: Meridians Breakthrough
Effect: Bounces back damage by 90% and recover HP by 8% for 3 turns.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Ninja Saga iOS Version

Ninja Saga is now available on the following gadgets; iPod touch, iPhone and iPad. Ninja Saga iOS version was inspired by Ninja Saga on social networking sites but this is a lot different from the SNS version.

ninja saga iOS version
Source: Ninja Saga Wikia (iOS)

Features of Ninja Saga iOS version
The features of the SNS version is almost the same as the iOS version.
  • You can team up with 3 ninja  (2 on SNS version)
  • Customize your ninja with weapons, outfit and ninjutsu
  • Five ninjutsu elements
Future Updates
  • Player vs Player (PVP
  • Clan Wars
  • Group Hunting
  • Random Map Generation

Main Menu

Town Hall




Thursday, June 2, 2011

Level 60 Kinjutsu Preview [video]

Fujin Vacuum Storm - Reduce 20% critical chance (4 turns), increase 3 lightning ninjutsu cool down, receives 120% damage if player is under "Kinjutsu: Infinite Whirlwind Breakthrough" status effect.

Yama Great Fire Cannon - Reduce 20% dodge (4 turns), increase 3 wind ninjutsu cool down and reduce 8% HP on attack if player is under "Kinjutsu:
Fire Phoenix Breath" status effect.

Narukami Great Lightning Bullet - Reduce 20% reactive force chance (4 turns), increase 3 earth ninjutsu cool down and  receive 100% critical hit if player is under "Kinjutsu: Ultimate Lightning Boost" status effect.

Golemn Great Smash - Reduce 20% purify chance (4 turns), increase 3 water ninjutsu cool down and ignore disable target from healing if player is under "Kimjutsu: Golem Rock Gauntlets" status effects.

Strong Arm of Suiten - Reduce 20% combustion chance (4 turns), increase 3 fire ninjutsu cool down and reduce 50% damage if player is under "Kinjutsu: Shark Encampment Shield" status effects.

Video Preview

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Level 50 Kinjutsu Preview [video]

Infinite Whirlwind Breakthrough - Remove all negative status, reduce 1 wind ninjutsu cooldown every time the caster receives attacks (2 turns).

Fire Phoenix Breath -  Remove all negative status, ignore 30% dodge of the enemy (4 turns).

Ultimate Lightning Boost - Remove all negative status, stuns target for 1 turn with lightning ninjutsu (2 turns).

Golem Rock Gauntlets - Remove all negative status, reduce 25% damage (2 turns), if any Earth Ninjutsu is use, reduce 100% damage.

Shark Encampment Shield - Remove all negative status,  +30% healing effect on water healing ninjutsu and healing scroll (2 turns), -10% CP of the attacker every time the caster receives damage (3 turns)

Video Preview